
Showing posts from December, 2021

How Employers Can Create Purpose at Work

  How Employers Can Create Purpose at Work In today’s workplace, workers are in search for more and that’s usually more purpose. Based on a 2018 report published in Harvard Business Review, employees with very meaningful work spend one additional hour per week working and take fewer days of paid leave each year. Generating an estimate of an additional $9,078 per worker per year . Besides generating more income for the organization why else should employers create a meaningful work environment? When employees have a chance to reflect on their own sense of purpose, and how it connects to the company’s purpose, good things happen. Psychologist Martin Seligman says, “meaning comes from belonging to and serving something beyond yourself and from developing the best within you.” We can conclude being fulfilled at work provides people with a greater sense of responsibility and them taking pride in basic job functions. Encouraging them to go beyond and being inspired to do so because they unde