
Showing posts from May, 2022

3 Ways to Build Trust in a Team

Mental Health Awareness Month is here, so what better time than now to talk about trust. For myself working in an environment where trust matters is important. Teams aren’t effective when there is no trust. A lack of trust leads to stress, conflict, disengagement, productivity, and decreased retention. Even more so trust is important to the mental health of a team because it supports psychological safety. A 2015 Google study found the five keys to a successful team and the number one factor was psychological safety. Author and professor at Harvard Business School Amy Edmondson describe psychological safety as “a critical driver of high-quality decision making, healthy group dynamics and interpersonal relationships, greater innovation, and more effective execution in organizations.” Here are 3 simple ways you can start the work to build trust among your team. Build connection, communication, and compassion To get to a place where you feel like others on the team have your back y