After the Holidays: Transition Back to Work


After the Holidays: Transition Back to Work

Last night you peeked at your work email only to become quickly overwhelmed, you snoozed the alarm three times, you contemplated taking a “sick day”. These are just some of the things you may experience this morning as you return to work after a long holiday break.

If you’re looking for a better way to get back into the swing of things this new year, these tips are for you.

Face reality your inbox is full

Before returning to work, face the fact that you will have a lot to catch up on since closing for a week or so. To reduce the immediate pressure to respond to everyone the first few days back, avoid scheduling meetings or calls in the first week. Schedule time on your calendar to work through your inbox. Or set an automatic reply for the first few days back:

“I am currently working through my inbox since being out of the office for 2 weeks. Please give me grace as I work through my emails. All emails will be responded to by Monday or Tuesday of the following week. If you need an immediate response, please call xxx-xxx-xxxx”

Get out of the office

During the first week of being back, make sure you don’t get carried away with catching up that you forget to take a breather. Go for a walk outside, or around the building. Visit your favorite store nearby to browse the aisles. Building in these 10-minute breaks into your daily routine will allow you to re-set when you’re feeling overwhelmed or even uninspired. Remember most ah-ha moments come to you while you’re not at your desk.

Happiness is found in helping others

There is a lot of data that support helping others leads to increased feelings of happiness due to endorphins, which produce feel-good chemicals in the brain. Think of one simple way to help others. Is it sharing knowledge with a newly hired colleague or motivating an established worker struggling their first day back?


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