Bring the Joy Back to Work

Bring the Joy Back

A lot of us have experienced being distracted, overwhelmed, or lost of traction on tasks. This has become known as pandemic brain. Social and behavioral scientist and assistant professor for the College of Public Health at Temple University Jeni Stolow says this is a “cognitive impairment that the whole world has been going through because it’s triggered by things like stress.”

For the past 24-48 months, in addition to feeling this way at home, this emotion has spilled over into the work-life for many. I am coining this the work fog. Across different regions, professions, and roles in the organization, workers must find joy at work again.

Dr. Rebecca Newton, a psychologist who studies how professionals thrive in organizations has observed the following as reasons why that spark of joy at work is absent:

1.)   Burn out from two years of loss and grief.

2.)   Feeling inauthentic because you still have jobs to get done.

3.)   Workers have been ‘showing up’ more because they knew their team depended on them.

4.)   Since we are trying to stay afloat our strengths are not being used, we’re just going to do what needs to be done to get by.

How to get the joy back?

If you feel a lack of energy, it could be because you’re not using your strengths.

Therefore, incorporate your strengths into your day. Ask yourself: when was the last time you felt energized at work? Then think about what you were doing in these situations. Use what you know about that situation to build those strengths into your daily tasks.

If you can’t think of a moment where you’ve had high energy, ask a co-worker or direct supervisor about a moment or project when you were excited to get the job done.

Now more than ever employers understand the importance of developing their employees’ skills to enhance their value to the organization.

Have a conversation with your manager about professional growth. Think about what skills you can develop to overcome impediments to your success or can refresh your passion through learning experiences.

Restore a sense of authenticity with your teammates.

Start sharing with a trusted colleague, create an environment with your colleagues where you feel safe to share your true self. Reflect together on your experiences and reveal what was challenging and what you’re grateful for these past two years. Find your team of support.


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